Sitecore CDP Guest REST API (v2.1)

Use the Guest REST API to create, retrieve, update, and delete guest data in Sitecore CDP.

This REST API lets you interact with:

  • The guest object. The guest object is the core entity of Sitecore CDP. It stores the personal data of a customer, and all relevant transactional and behavioral data is linked in a guest profile.
  • The guest data extension object. A guest data extension is an object that lets you specify any key-value pairs you want. Guest data extensions are optional and enable your organization to capture more robust information about your guests.

After capturing guest information, Sitecore CDP users can:

Note the following:

  • To use this REST API, you must authenticate your API requests.
  • All API requests are made in your production environment.
  • This reference documentation describes Sitecore CDP functionality for data model 2.1.

For more information, see the official Sitecore CDP developer documentation.


The Guest REST API uses basic authentication.

Basic authentication involves sending a user name and a password with every request.

To find your user name and password, in Sitecore CDP, on the navigation pane, click Settings > API access:

  • The user name is the Client key.
  • The password is the API token.

You must include the user name and password in every request you make. For example:

curl -X GET '{baseURL}/v2/guests' \
-H 'Accept: application/json'

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License Apache 2.0
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The guest object is the core entity of Sitecore CDP. It stores the personal data of a customer, and all relevant transactional and behavioral data is linked in a guest profile.

To get started with this API, create a guest then find it in Sitecore CDP.


Create a guest


Creates a guest. The REST API does not check whether a guest already exists in Sitecore CDP when you create a guest. To avoid creating duplicates, first retrieve guests by their email address or other identifying information.

In the response, the ref key contains the guest reference.

Find the guest in Sitecore CDP

You can also use the guest reference to find data about the guest in Sitecore CDP. In Sitecore CDP, click Guests, and select the Guest type: All filter. Then, in the search dropdown, select Guest reference and then enter the guest reference in the search field. Then, Sitecore CDP lists the guest profile for the guest.


The level of identity obtained. The "traveller" value is only applicable to certain industries.

Example: "visitor"
titlestring(title case)

The title of the guest.

Example values: "Br", "Brigadier", "Capt", "Colonel", "Dame", "Dr", "Elder", "Fr", "General", "Hon", "Judge", "Lord", "Master", "Miss", "Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Mstr", "Prof", "Rabbi", "Rev", "Shaikha", "Sheikh", "Sir", "Sister", "Sr"

Example: "Mr"
firstNamestring(title case)

The guest's first name.

Example: "John"
lastNamestring(title case recommended)

The guest's last name.

Example: "Doe"

The guest's gender.

Example values: "male", "female", "unknown"

Example: "male"

The guest's date of birth. Validation: Date must be in the past.

Example: "1991-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"
nationalitystring(title case)

The guest's nationality.

Example values: "Irish", "British", "Spanish", "French"

Example: "Irish"

The passport number of the guest.

Example: "PZ4A9565"

The expiry date of the guest's passport.

Example: "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
emailsArray of strings

All the email addresses of the guest.

Example: [""]

The email address of the guest.

Example: ""
identifiersArray of objects(Identifier)

A list of identifiers for the guest.

phoneNumbersArray of strings

The phone numbers of the guest.

Example: ["+353161123345","+353161123346"]
streetArray of strings(title case strings)

The street address of the guest.

Example: ["Ashford House","Tara Street","Dublin 2"]
citystring(title case)

The guest's city.

Example values: "Dublin", "London", "Madrid", "Paris"

Example: "Dublin"
countrystring(2-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code)

The guest's country.

Example values: "IE", "GB", "ES", "FR"

Example: "IE"

The guest's zipcode.

Example: "D2"
statestring(title case)

The state (address) of the guest.

Example: "Oregon"
curl -i -X POST \
  -u <username>:<password> \ \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
    "guestType": "visitor",
    "title": "Mr",
    "firstName": "John",
    "lastName": "Doe",
    "gender": "male",
    "dateOfBirth": "1991-01-01T16:17:16.000Z",
    "nationality": "Irish",
    "passportNumber": "PZ4A9565",
    "passportExpiry": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z",
    "emails": [
    "email": "",
    "identifiers": [
        "provider": "ProfileSystem",
        "id": "B7524AE6-CF1C-440F-B1A2-0C9D42F5CB41",
        "expiryDate": "2025-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"
    "phoneNumbers": [
    "street": [
      "Ashford House",
      "Tara Street",
      "Dublin 2"
    "city": "Dublin",
    "country": "IE",
    "postCode": "D2",
    "state": "Oregon"


Resource successfully created.


The URL of the guest.

Example: ""

The guest reference.

Example: "f7aabbca-1c1b-4fc2-be72-3e16294a4f03"

The date and time when the resource was created in Sitecore CDP.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The date and time when the resource was updated in Sitecore CDP.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The first seen date for the guest.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The last time the guest interacted with your brand. If the guest is currently online and is interacting with your brand, this returns the date and timestamp of when the current session started.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The level of identity obtained. The "traveller" value is only applicable to certain industries.

Example: "visitor"
titlestring(title case)

The title of the guest.

Example values: "Br", "Brigadier", "Capt", "Colonel", "Dame", "Dr", "Elder", "Fr", "General", "Hon", "Judge", "Lord", "Master", "Miss", "Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Mstr", "Prof", "Rabbi", "Rev", "Shaikha", "Sheikh", "Sir", "Sister", "Sr"

Example: "Mr"
firstNamestring(title case)

The guest's first name.

Example: "John"
lastNamestring(title case recommended)

The guest's last name.

Example: "Doe"

The guest's gender.

Example values: "male", "female", "unknown"

Example: "male"

The guest's date of birth. Validation: Date must be in the past.

Example: "1991-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"
nationalitystring(title case)

The guest's nationality.

Example values: "Irish", "British", "Spanish", "French"

Example: "Irish"

The passport number of the guest.

Example: "PZ4A9565"

The expiry date of the guest's passport.

Example: "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z"
emailsArray of strings

All the email addresses of the guest.

Example: [""]

The email address of the guest.

Example: ""
identifiersArray of objects(IdentifierGuestCreateResponse)

A list of identifiers for the guest.

phoneNumbersArray of strings

The phone numbers of the guest.

Example: ["+353161123345","+353161123346"]
streetArray of strings(title case strings)

The street address of the guest.

Example: ["Ashford House","Tara Street","Dublin 2"]
citystring(title case)

The guest's city.

Example values: "Dublin", "London", "Madrid", "Paris"

Example: "Dublin"
countrystring(2-letter ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 country code)

The guest's country.

Example values: "IE", "GB", "ES", "FR"

Example: "IE"

The guest's zipcode.

Example: "D2"
statestring(title case)

The state (address) of the guest.

Example: "Oregon"
{ "href": "", "ref": "f7aabbca-1c1b-4fc2-be72-3e16294a4f03", "createdAt": "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z", "modifiedAt": "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z", "firstSeen": "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z", "lastSeen": "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z", "guestType": "visitor", "title": "Mr", "firstName": "John", "lastName": "Doe", "gender": "male", "dateOfBirth": "1991-01-01T16:17:16.000Z", "nationality": "Irish", "passportNumber": "PZ4A9565", "passportExpiry": "2025-01-01T00:00:00.000Z", "emails": [ "" ], "email": "", "identifiers": [ { … } ], "phoneNumbers": [ "+353161123345", "+353161123346" ], "street": [ "Ashford House", "Tara Street", "Dublin 2" ], "city": "Dublin", "country": "IE", "postCode": "D2", "state": "Oregon" }

Retrieve guests


Retrieves guests. We recommend that you retrieve guests by their email address or other identifying information using query parameters before you create a guest. This lets you check if a certain guest already exists in Sitecore CDP. If the guest exists, avoid creating duplicates. Instead, update the existing guest.

Query parameters

You can use the following query parameters to retrieve guests by some identifying information:

  • email
  • email.untouched
  • firstName
  • lastName
  • phoneNumber
  • identifiers.provider plus

Alternatively, you can use the expand=true query parameter to retrieve guests with all their key-value pairs listed.


Here's an example of how to use the email query parameter to retrieve guests by their email address:


Here's an example of how to use the identifiers.provider and the query parameters to retrieve guests by their identifiers:


If any of this returns a guest, avoid creating another guest with the same identifying information. Instead, update the existing guest.

Guest reference

In the response, in items.href, the guest reference is the string that follows the final slash:

"href": "{baseURL}/v2.1/guests/{guestRef}"

Example guest reference: f7aabbca-1c1b-4fc2-be72-3e16294a4f03

Use the guest reference to interact with the full guest record, for example, to retrieve or update it.

You can also use the guest reference to find data about the guest in Sitecore CDP. In Sitecore CDP, click Guests. In the Search field, enter the guest reference, then click the Guest type: All filter. Then, Sitecore CDP lists the guest profile for the guest.


Collection responses use offset pagination. The offset query parameter is used to exclude from a response the first N items of the entire resource collection.

Default 0
Example: offset=10
limitobject(Limit)[ 10 .. 100 ]

Collection responses use offset pagination. This query parameter lets you adjust the maximum number of collection items to return for a single request.

Default 10
Example: limit=40
expandArray of strings(Expand)

You can expand items in a collection by setting expand=true. This eliminates the need to send multiple follow-up requests (one for the collection and another for each of its items). This also helps you check if the data you intend to create already exists.

Example: expand=true

You can sort search results by specifying a sort query parameter and a corresponding sort value (ASC or DESC case sensitive) on a collection resource URL.

The example query parameter shows how to return a resource in ascending chronological order of when the resource was created and descending order of the resource label.

Example: sort=createdAt::ASC|label::DESC
curl -i -X GET \
  -u <username>:<password> \


Successful operation.


The request's offset.

Example: 0

The request's limit.

Example: 10

The request's first list of guests URL.


The request's next list of guests URL.


The request's URL.

Example: ""
itemsArray of objects(Link)

List of guests for the current request.

Example: [{"href":""},{"href":""}]
{ "offset": 0, "limit": 10, "First": { "href": "" }, "Next": { "href": "" }, "href": "", "items": [ { … }, { … } ] }

Retrieve a guest


Retrieves the full guest record of a guest, including any guest data extensions.


The guest reference. This is a unique identifier of the guest record. If you don't know the guest reference, first retrieve guests.

Example: f7aabbca-1c1b-4fc2-be72-3e16294a4f03
expandArray of strings

You can expand items in a collection by setting expand=true. This eliminates the need to send multiple follow-up requests (one for the collection and another for each of its items). This also helps you check if the data you intend to create already exists.

Example: expand=true
curl -i -X GET \
  -u <username>:<password> \


Successful operation.


The URL of the guest.

Example: ""

The guest reference.

Example: "f7aabbca-1c1b-4fc2-be72-3e16294a4f03"

The date and time when the resource was created in Sitecore CDP.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The date and time when the resource was updated in Sitecore CDP.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The first seen date for the guest.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The last time the guest interacted with your brand. If the guest is currently online and is interacting with your brand, this returns the date and timestamp of when the current session started.

Example: "2024-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"

The level of identity obtained. The "traveller" value is only applicable to certain industries.

Example: "visitor"
titlestring(title case)

The title of the guest.

Example values: "Br", "Brigadier", "Capt", "Colonel", "Dame", "Dr", "Elder", "Fr", "General", "Hon", "Judge", "Lord", "Master", "Miss", "Mr", "Mrs", "Ms", "Mstr", "Prof", "Rabbi", "Rev", "Shaikha", "Sheikh", "Sir", "Sister", "Sr"

Example: "Mr"
firstNamestring(title case)

The guest's first name.

Example: "John"
lastNamestring(title case recommended)

The guest's last name.

Example: "Doe"

The guest's gender.

Example values: "male", "female", "unknown"

Example: "male"

The guest's date of birth. Validation: Date must be in the past.

Example: "1991-01-01T16:17:16.000Z"
nationalitystring(title case)

The guest's nationality.

Example values: "Irish", "British", "Spanish", "French"

Example: "Irish"

The passport number of the guest.

Example: "PZ4A9565"